Decide on a date, approximate time and a possible rain date. We must have a minimum of 4 weeks to complete the preperations and permits.
Decide on a location. Large open areas are best. Ideally the audience should be able to see the ground where the fireworks will be placed. The minimum legal distance in CT is 200 feet for small shows and 300 for larger shows.
Decide on a budget. Our minimum charge is $4500 for a delightful 10 minute grand presentation or $3900 for a reduced length show of the same intensity. But once you've covered costs for the basic show then anything you add goes into making the show bigger and better. Our minimum includes licenses, permits, insurance, show planning, setup, firing and break-down. The only additional cost is the State-required Fire Watch. Please contact the local fire marshal in the town for an estimate. Ask us for his contact info.
Be sure to ask the owner of the establishment where your celebration will be held for permission to have a legal display.
Email or call us (860-677-7533) and let's discuss your plan. Once we have your concepts down on paper then we put it down on our simple one page contract.